What is a Reserve Study? Essentials to a healthy Reserve Study

Maintaining a healthy reserve study is essential to the success of any homeowners association (HOA). A reserve study is a comprehensive financial plan that helps an HOA plan for future expenses associated with maintaining their common areas and other assets. Here are some tips to help you maintain a healthy reserve study:

  1. Have a professional reserve study conducted regularly. A reserve study should be conducted at least once every three years by a qualified professional. The professional will assess the current condition of the HOA’s assets and make recommendations for future maintenance and repair.

  2. Establish a reserve fund. A reserve fund is a separate account that is used to save money for future repairs and maintenance. This fund should be funded regularly to ensure the HOA has sufficient funds when needed.

  3. Keep up with maintenance and repair. Regular maintenance and repair of common areas and other assets will help keep them in good condition and reduce the need for costly repairs in the future.

  4. Monitor your reserve fund. It’s important to regularly review the balance of your reserve fund and make sure that it is sufficient to cover future expenses.

  5. Hire good management. A professional community manager will help implement your long-term strategy with ease. An experienced manager will be able to suggest the right season for the project based on homeowner impact.

By following these tips, you can maintain a healthy reserve study and keep your HOA in good financial health.